Barium and Compounds

CASRN 7440-39-3 | DTXSID8023894

Noncancer Assessment

Reference Dose for Oral Exposure (RfD) (PDF) (34 pp, 208 K) Last Updated: 07/11/2005

System RfD (mg/kg-day) Basis PoD Composite UF Confidence
Urinary 2 x 10 -1 Nephropathy BMDL 05 : 63
300 Medium


Reference Concentration for Inhalation Exposure (RfC) (PDF) (34 pp, 208 K) Last Updated: 03/30/1998
Information reviewed but value not estimated.


Cancer Assessment

Weight of Evidence for Cancer (PDF) (34 pp, 208 K) Last Updated: 03/30/1998

WOE Characterization Framework for WOE Characterization
D (Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity) Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1986)
Carcinogenic potential cannot be determined (Inhalation route) Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996)
Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans (Oral route) Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996)
  • Under EPA's 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, barium would be classified as Group D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity. Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogenic Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), barium is considered not likely to be carcinogenic to humans following oral exposure and its carcinogenic potential cannot be determined following inhalation exposure.
  • This may be a synopsis of the full weight-of-evidence narrative.

Quantitative Estimate of Carcinogenic Risk from Oral Exposure (PDF) (34 pp, 208 K)

Not assessed under the IRIS Program.

Quantitative Estimate of Carcinogenic Risk from Inhalation Exposure (PDF) (34 pp, 208 K)

Not assessed under the IRIS Program.

Additional EPA toxicity information may be available by visiting the following sites:

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