Estimation and Application of Macroinvertebrate Tolerance Values (Final)

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Estimation and Application of Macroinvertebrate Tolerance Values is a technical review of statistical methods for estimating macroinvertebrate tolerance values from field data. It also reviews different methods for applying tolerance values for assessing biological conditions of streams and rivers and for diagnosing the causes of impairment. The purpose of this document is to provide a technical resource for states, tribes, and regions that wish to use tolerance values to interpret stream biological data.

This final document reflects a consideration of all comments received on an External Review Draft dated September 2004 (EPA/600/P-04/116A).


Yuan, L. L. Estimation and Application of Macroinvertebrate Tolerance Values (Final). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA/600/P-04/116F.

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Date Description
01- Feb 2004 Workshop held to review methods for estimating and applying tolerance values.
02- Jul 2004 Report internal review draft completed.
03- Sep 2004 Internal review completed and comments addressed.
04- Mar 2005 External review draft released for comments.
05- Apr 2005 External review completed and comments addressed.
06- Jun 2006 Final report cleared and released.

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