Vanadium and Compounds (Oral)
CASRN Various | DTXSID00894744
IRIS Assessment Plan for Oral Exposure to Vanadium and Compounds (Scoping and Problem Formulation Materials)
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Date | Description |
Jul 2020 | EPA released the IRIS Assessment Plan for oral exposure to vanadium and compounds for public comment and review. [Federal Register Notice Jul 24, 2020] |
This download(s) is distributed solely for the purpose of pre-dissemination peer review under applicable information quality guidelines. It has not been formally disseminated by EPA. It does not represent and should not be construed to represent any Agency determination or policy.
- IRIS Assessment Plan for Oral Exposure of Vanadium and Compounds (Scoping and Problem Formulation Materials) (PDF) (57 pp, 2.0 MB, about PDF)
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Document Related Link(s)
- EPA-HQ-ORD-2020-0183
- Health Effects Assessment for Vanadium and Compounds
- IRIS Toxicological Review of Vanadium Pentoxide (External Review Draft, 2012)
- Systematic Review Protocol for the Vanadium and Compounds (Oral Exposure) IRIS Assessment (Preliminary Assessment Materials)
- IRIS Assessment Plan for Inhalation Exposure to Vanadium and Compounds (Scoping and Problem Formulation Materials)
Federal Register Notices
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