
CASRN 67-66-3 | DTXSID1020306

IRIS Toxicological Review of Chloroform (Inhalation) (Interagency Science Consultation Draft, 2024)

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In December 2024, the draft IRIS Toxicological Review of Chloroform (Inhalation) (External Review Draft, 2024) and the draft charge to external peer reviewers were released for a 60-day public review and comment period. The Toxicological Review and charge were reviewed internally by EPA and by other federal agencies and White House Offices before public release. Consistent with the May 2009 IRIS assessment development process, all written comments on IRIS assessments submitted by other federal agencies and White House Offices are made publicly available. Accordingly, interagency comments and the interagency science consultation materials provided to other agencies, including interagency review drafts of the Toxicological Review and the charge to external peer reviewers, are posted on this site.


U.S. EPA. IRIS Toxicological Review of Chloroform (Inhalation) (Interagency Science Consultation Draft, 2024). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/635/R-24/222, 2024.

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Chloroform (trichloromethane) is a colorless, volatile liquid with a distinct odor. Chloroform is nonflammable. It is slightly soluble in water and is readily miscible with most organic solvents. Because chloroform is relatively volatile, it tends to escape from contaminated environmental media (e.g., water or soil) into air, and may also be released in vapor form from some types of industrial or chemical operations. Therefore, humans may be exposed to chloroform not only by ingestion of chloroform in drinking water, food, or soil, but also by inhalation of vapor (especially in indoor air) and dermal contact with contaminated media (especially water).


Date Description
01- Sep 1984 EPA released the Health Effects Assessment for Chloroform.
02- Apr 1988 EPA released the Updated Health Effects Assessment for Chloroform.
03- Oct 2001 EPA released the final tox report and summary document and posted these to the IRIS database.
04- Sep 2017 EPA released the IRIS Assessment Plan (IAP) for Chloroform for public comment and review. [Federal Register Notice Sep 18, 2017]
05- Sep 2017 EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC) discussed the draft document at a public meeting on September 27-28, 2017.
06- Jan 2018 EPA released the Systematic Review Protocol for the IRIS Chloroform Assessment (Inhalation) (Preliminary Assessment Materials). [Federal Register Notice Jan 31, 2018]
09- Mar 2024 EPA sent an interagency science consultation chloroform draft for review and comment.
10- Dec 2024 EPA released the EPA-led Interagency Science Consultation draft assessment comments on the EPA website.

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