IRIS Home | Critical Effect Search Results
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Search Filtered by: Critical Effect = "Gastrointestinal"
Number of records: 13
Chemical Name | CASRN | Exposure Route | Critical Effect | RfD/RfC | RfD/RfC Value |
Benzaldehyde | 100-52-7 | Oral | Forestomach lesions, kidney toxicity | RFD | 1 x 10 -1 mg/kg-day |
Beryllium and compounds | 7440-41-7 | Oral | Small intestinal lesions | RFD | 2 x 10 -3 mg/kg-day |
Bromomethane | 74-83-9 | Oral | Epithelial hyperplasia of the forestomach | RFD | 1.4 x 10 -3 mg/kg-day |
Chloral hydrate | 302-17-0 | Oral | CNS depression and GI irritation in humans | RFD | 1 x 10 -1 mg/kg-day |
Chromium(VI) | 18540-29-9 | Oral | Hyperplasia in small intesting of female mice (chronic exposure study). | RFD | 9 x 10 -4 mg/kg-day |
Cypermethrin | 52315-07-8 | Oral | G.I. tract disturbances | RFD | 1 x 10 -2 mg/kg-day |
1,3-Dichloropropene | 542-75-6 | Oral | Chronic irritation | RFD | 3 x 10 -2 mg/kg-day |
Endothall | 145-73-3 | Oral | Increased absolute and relative weights of stomach and small intestine | RFD | 2 x 10 -2 mg/kg-day |
Fluorine (soluble fluoride) | 7782-41-4 | Oral | Objectionable dental fluorosis, a cosmetic effect | RFD | 6 x 10 -2 mg/kg-day |
Formaldehyde | 50-00-0 | Oral | Reduced weight gain, histopathology in rats | RFD | 2 x 10 -1 mg/kg-day |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCPD) | 77-47-4 | Oral | Chronic irritation | RFD | 6 x 10 -3 mg/kg-day |
Hexachlorophene | 70-30-4 | Oral | Swollen salivary glands, status spongiosis in brain and optic nerve | RFD | 3 x 10 -4 mg/kg-day |
Propiconazole | 60207-90-1 | Oral | Gastric mucosal irritation | RFD | 1.3 x 10 -2 mg/kg-day |